Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I went to a shopping complex and there were sales everywhere. It was really nice buying branded clothes at 25%, 50% and 70%. I spent a few hundreds to get myself new pants, underwears, jeans and clothes. My wife got herself a pair of shoes and something else. Many branded items like Camel, Crocodiles, Hugo, et cetra are there for grab. Lucky for some people they have extra cash for themselves after spending a few hundreds or may be thousands to buy school uniforms, stationeries and many other things. The new school year welcomes parents with school fees, new bus fares, PTA fees, tuition and many other countless expenditures to bear. Bonus is a great help but how many Malaysian parents get it ? Parents in the village are having headache to balance their income and expenses. The prices of rubber and palm oil have plunged so badly that they hardly get anything after selling their day's harvest. Prices of fertilizer and persticides remain high. A few months ago they could smile from ear to ear because of the soaring prices. In Bote, there even men acquiring second wives to show how economically capable they were. In a few days, kids will throng the schools with new uniforms, new Ben Ten bags and a new bike might be a scene as well. Their parents might be smiling as well but deep down inside they are suffering.....
Monday, December 29, 2008
Dari Bota ke Masjidilharam bhg 5
Banyak jemaah yang membawa serunding dan sebagainya untuk bekalan di sana. Langkah ini amat bijak untuk “menaikan selera” kita. Bawaklah mee segera, jeruk buah dan makanan lain yang sesuai untuk kita. Peti sejuk disediakan tetapi bukan untuk menyimpan makanan yang dikumpul dari dewan makan yang kemudianya akan dibuang ke dalam tong sampah. Mewahnya jemaah Malaysia dengan buah epal atau orange yang diambil untuk disimpan dan seterusnya akan dibuang ke dalm tong sampah. Pada saya dari membawa pakaian banyak-banyak baiklah dibawa lesung batu, ikan bilis dan belacan untuk membantu rakan-rakan yang tidak lalu makan di sana. Tabung Haji cuba memberikan makanan yang terbaik untuk jemaah tetapi selalunya mendapat aduan dan komen yang negatif dari jemaah. Tahun lalu ada jemaah dari Malaysia yang menulis dalam surat khabar tentang makanan yang disediakan tidak memenuhi kriteria yang standard baginya. Dia harus pergi ke belakang hotel tempat penginapannya dan melihat manusia yang berbaris untuk mendapatan “lebihan” jemaah Malaysia.
Jemaah dari Malaysia perlu ingat bahawa pekerja-pekerja Tabung Haji akan cuba memberikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik untuk keselesaan jemaah. Saya amat menghormati dan menghargai perkhidmatan yang mereka berikan. Kesabaran dan kesungguhan mereka untuk memastikan semuanya berjalan lancar tidak boleh dinilai denagn wang ringgit. Segala pertolongan yang diberikan olehn jemaah yang lain amat dihargai kerana memang “tidak cukup tangan” untuk membantu para jemaah. Saya amat terkilan bila mendengar rungutan dari para jemaah yang mengkritik petugas-petugas Tabung Haji di sana. Ada yang kata mereka “makan gaji buta” dan datang “melancung” ke Tanah Suci. Untuk mengawal seribu macam ragam manusia adalah amat sukar. Maaf dikatakan bahawa golongan yang tegar dan degil adalah jemaah yang telah berumur, jemaah “warga emas” yang tidak mahu mematuhi arahan dan peraturan yang diberikan.
Jemaah dari Malaysia perlu ingat bahawa pekerja-pekerja Tabung Haji akan cuba memberikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik untuk keselesaan jemaah. Saya amat menghormati dan menghargai perkhidmatan yang mereka berikan. Kesabaran dan kesungguhan mereka untuk memastikan semuanya berjalan lancar tidak boleh dinilai denagn wang ringgit. Segala pertolongan yang diberikan olehn jemaah yang lain amat dihargai kerana memang “tidak cukup tangan” untuk membantu para jemaah. Saya amat terkilan bila mendengar rungutan dari para jemaah yang mengkritik petugas-petugas Tabung Haji di sana. Ada yang kata mereka “makan gaji buta” dan datang “melancung” ke Tanah Suci. Untuk mengawal seribu macam ragam manusia adalah amat sukar. Maaf dikatakan bahawa golongan yang tegar dan degil adalah jemaah yang telah berumur, jemaah “warga emas” yang tidak mahu mematuhi arahan dan peraturan yang diberikan.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
My arab student recieved a few packages from his concern mother. He had to get them or would be charged RM30 per-day if he left them for a while. Our journey from Bota to KLIA through Kuala Selangor proved to be fruitful since we waived the TOLL. My newly acquired Persona did well on the new road and it impressed the two Arabs in my car. I let them try the new Malaysian made car but if compared to their VW Passat and Toyota Prado, it is way to far in many ways. Our Persona's braking system is worse than my 1996 Kancil. The suspension system is similar to my wife's Vios but why is it wobling and thumping sound is clearly heard even when hitting a small bump. Power, amazing. Majed managed to run it to 160kmh though I never tried it. As a normal Arab driver, he loved to zig-zag in the traffic
We arrieved at KLIA early but the process of getting the packages was a nightmare! First we had to ask some people of the location. Why did the police at the airport were too strict of getting our car from the waiting zone? Was it because there was a Roll Royce without a registration waiting for a dignitary parked there? Wasn't I deserved to be there as a Malaysian and paying taxes for their salaries and so-called allowance? We were told to go to LCCT and proceed to Maskargo and there where the nightmare began.
We were asked to get enterance pass and then we were sent here and there. The places were visited two or three times, the custom, the cargo, the checking, the clearance and at the end, I got a headache. My Arab friend started to piss off. He said, he would tell his mother NOT TO SEND anything because the procedures were HORRIBLE. Why not getting document, paying and signing at the same place? We had to drive back and forth for three times, like bunch of idiots. After 2 hours we managed to get all packages and then we headed to KL to consort ourselves with MANDI rice and mutton, and some BBQ beef and fish dipped with special sauce. The restaurant is located at Jalan Ampang, run by a Yameni and most of the waiters are from Egypt. I never ate that much mutton but yesterday I did and it caused me my blood pressure, I guess it runs in my family.
Then we headed to SOGO but I did not manage to find the complex. We found way back to Ipoh and we stopped at Sg Buluh R and R to swop driver and do Asar and Zohor.
The term, poor Malaysian girls came when the Arabs asked me why do the girls here wear skimpy and skin tight clothes. They thought that Malaysia is an ISLAMIC countrty. Well I told them, this is Islam Hadhari, modern Islam. Modern moslems must be like other people from modern countries. This is also a mixed race country, where the people are free to wear what they like. If the Chinese and Indian are allowed to wear skimpy dress, why can't the Malay Muslim wear the same.... liberation, Islamic country.... freedom.
My Arab student when first arrived here was shocked to see the poor girls. He said, the Arabs have high libido (Too much mutton and spicy food), then it is unfair to them to see the "poor" girls. He had to go back home and get his wife here, because it is VERY DANGEROUS for him to be here without his wife.
PS: By the way, he is looking for a Malaysian wife to be his second. Any taker?
**** His friend is having a problem to be in Malaysia because many Muslim girls are poor. He is also looking for a wife. *****
We arrieved at KLIA early but the process of getting the packages was a nightmare! First we had to ask some people of the location. Why did the police at the airport were too strict of getting our car from the waiting zone? Was it because there was a Roll Royce without a registration waiting for a dignitary parked there? Wasn't I deserved to be there as a Malaysian and paying taxes for their salaries and so-called allowance? We were told to go to LCCT and proceed to Maskargo and there where the nightmare began.
We were asked to get enterance pass and then we were sent here and there. The places were visited two or three times, the custom, the cargo, the checking, the clearance and at the end, I got a headache. My Arab friend started to piss off. He said, he would tell his mother NOT TO SEND anything because the procedures were HORRIBLE. Why not getting document, paying and signing at the same place? We had to drive back and forth for three times, like bunch of idiots. After 2 hours we managed to get all packages and then we headed to KL to consort ourselves with MANDI rice and mutton, and some BBQ beef and fish dipped with special sauce. The restaurant is located at Jalan Ampang, run by a Yameni and most of the waiters are from Egypt. I never ate that much mutton but yesterday I did and it caused me my blood pressure, I guess it runs in my family.
Then we headed to SOGO but I did not manage to find the complex. We found way back to Ipoh and we stopped at Sg Buluh R and R to swop driver and do Asar and Zohor.
The term, poor Malaysian girls came when the Arabs asked me why do the girls here wear skimpy and skin tight clothes. They thought that Malaysia is an ISLAMIC countrty. Well I told them, this is Islam Hadhari, modern Islam. Modern moslems must be like other people from modern countries. This is also a mixed race country, where the people are free to wear what they like. If the Chinese and Indian are allowed to wear skimpy dress, why can't the Malay Muslim wear the same.... liberation, Islamic country.... freedom.
My Arab student when first arrived here was shocked to see the poor girls. He said, the Arabs have high libido (Too much mutton and spicy food), then it is unfair to them to see the "poor" girls. He had to go back home and get his wife here, because it is VERY DANGEROUS for him to be here without his wife.
PS: By the way, he is looking for a Malaysian wife to be his second. Any taker?
**** His friend is having a problem to be in Malaysia because many Muslim girls are poor. He is also looking for a wife. *****
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Sekarang ni ramai ibu-bapa yang menghantar anak-anak ke asrama kerana mereka yakin asrama itu adalah tempak yang lebih baik untukanak-anak menuntut ilmu dan membina keyakinan diri untuk meneruskan kehidupan di dunia yang sangat mencabar ini. Benarkah tindakan menghantar anak-anak ke asrama ini benar? Anak anak berumur 11 -12 tahun sudah mula hidup berdikari jauh dari ibu-bapa dan adik-berdik yang lain. Sebagai seorang bapa teman juga tidak lari dari "keseronokan" untuk menghantar anak ke asrama, SARJANA (Sekolah agama ) di Perak. Hanpir setiap minggu kena pergi melawat anak, nasib baik dekat. Kalau Kelantan (Mahaad), Johor (SMPTF), NS (TKC) atau MRSM di T'ganu, mahu demam nak mengulang. Anak-anak perlukan kasih sayang dan belaian dan gurauan adik beradik dan ibubapa. Teman lalu hingga Form 2 saja tetapi "terpaksa" mengeluarkannya dari SARJANA kerana beberapa faktor. Akedemik okay tetapi sosial tak berapa okay. Dia nak berkahwan kawan dari boarding school saja. Dengan adik-adik tidak rapat dan mood pun tak berapa baik. Asyik nak berkurung dalam bilik dan telefon kawan-kawan sekolah sahaja. Bila dia duduk rumah dia menjadi lebih bertanggungjawab. Boleh "tolerate" dengan masalah dan adik-beradik. Boleh balaja memasak dengan maknya atau dengan teman. Tetapi kalau di asrama, mungkin tidak berlaku. Setakat 'ayam masak merah, gulai lemak, sayur campur, sambal tumis, tomyam, dan bermacam-macam lagi dia dah boleh sediakan. Tak belajar di asrama benda-benda ini. Dia lebih menjadi "independent" dan "patient" di rumah. Isteri pernah mengajar di SMKA, sekolah agama, 5A baru boleh masuk, tetapi macam-macam cerita yang tak sepatutnya berlaku di SMKA berlaku. Setakat merokok, tengok video lucah, lari asrama dan macam-macam lagi yang tak masuk akal. Itulah budak-budak sekarang. Ada satu kes dimana seorang budak perempuan tidak balik ke rumah masa "outing", seminggu duduk rumah "mat burger". Mak bapak pun tak percaya. Ada sekali cerita "8 in 1", cukup menakutkan teman berlaku beberapa tahun yang lalu. Tak payahlah nak ulas. Tengok tajuk pun boleh faham.
Kenapa benda-benda ni ibubapa tak tahu? Sorok, nak jaga nama, nak jaga prestasi, nak jaga keunggulan, settle di dalam je, masalah dalaman dan berbagai-bagai lagi. Tanya warden, tanya pak guard, tanya cikgu, mereka tahu cerita-cerita ini.
Saranan teman, selalulah ulang anak-anak. Kalau boleh hantar yang dekat-dekat. Susah-susah hantar sekolah dekat rumah saja. Boleh monitor siang -malam. Entahlah..... teman dulu tak mampu untuk dihantar ke asrama. Sekolah kampung je.....
Kenapa benda-benda ni ibubapa tak tahu? Sorok, nak jaga nama, nak jaga prestasi, nak jaga keunggulan, settle di dalam je, masalah dalaman dan berbagai-bagai lagi. Tanya warden, tanya pak guard, tanya cikgu, mereka tahu cerita-cerita ini.
Saranan teman, selalulah ulang anak-anak. Kalau boleh hantar yang dekat-dekat. Susah-susah hantar sekolah dekat rumah saja. Boleh monitor siang -malam. Entahlah..... teman dulu tak mampu untuk dihantar ke asrama. Sekolah kampung je.....
Saturday, December 20, 2008
5, 4, 3, 2, 1.... yeh ..tahun baru. Bebudak sekolah hepi bebeno sebab dapat beli beg, baju, kasut, alatulis baru. Mak bapak? Dapat utang ngan tekanan darah baru. Tahun baru le katekan mesti semua baru.
Kekawan, simpan le duit bonus kite yang tak banyak macam staf Petronas dapat tu. nanti boleh beli beg RM45 (beg kedai ekonomi nanti sepuluh hari dah rabak!) , baju seluo brand KIKO/CANGGIH, kasut PALLAS utk anak2. Yuran itu ini, buku latihan, uniform kokurikulum... sorang anak dekat pat lima ratus. nak ngadu wakil rakyat? Deme pun anak ramai, gaji kecik macam kite jugak. Sian deme, jangan le mintak ngan deme. Kalu terpaksa ngadu le kat Pejabat Kebajikan Masyarakat, Baitulmal atau orang kaye yang selama hari ni banyak dapat projek kerajaan.
Harapan teman pehak sekolah jangan le terlalu beban kan bebudak sekolah. Hari2 mintak duit. Kalu tak bayar cikgu marah, malu pada kekawan. Lastnye deme lepak kat tempat lain, kabo mak ayah nak kesekolah tapi nyorok kat rumah kosong . Dapat cekup cikgu disiplin, tentu mak bapak jugak yang pening. Cikgu2 jangan ingat semua mak bapak kat malaysia ni kaye, dapat bonus macam cikgu. Harga getah buku? RM1.00 , tu pun kalu tak dikutip "doktor swasta" kat merata kampung sekarang ni. Kelapa sawit? Berapa ringgit setan? Tak banyak cikgu oi...nak beli tiub besikal pun tak lepas...
Duit poket pulak? Entah le...sian budak sekolah kat malaysia ni. Dari pagi sampai petang kat sekolah, takkan nak bagi singgit je? Singgit kali lima? (kalu anak lima orang le), sebulan berapa? Tambang bas? Nak suruh bebudak tu jalan kaki? Oh ye cikgu2...kalu lalu depan budak sekolah tengah panas tu, tolong le tumpangkan sorang dua...kete beso tak elok naik sorang sorang, nanti banyak le alien yang tumpang. Dapat le jugak pahala nak nampung kelas kelas yang cikgu termasuk lambat terkeluo awal tu....
Ok le, ngantuk le pulak. las ni...bapak2 berehenti le merokok, jimat duit dan selamat dari benda haram. Mak2 plak kurangkan le beli perabut utang ke, gelang rantai utang ke.... sian anak2 kite, kalu le deme dapat mak bapak lain ... tentu deme lebih berjaya dalam hidup, lebih beradab sopan dan lebih baik dari ape yang kita nampak hari ni....jangan marah kekawan, tugas seorang muslim tolong mengingat dan menasihat. Selamat berbelanja utk tahun baru!
Kekawan, simpan le duit bonus kite yang tak banyak macam staf Petronas dapat tu. nanti boleh beli beg RM45 (beg kedai ekonomi nanti sepuluh hari dah rabak!) , baju seluo brand KIKO/CANGGIH, kasut PALLAS utk anak2. Yuran itu ini, buku latihan, uniform kokurikulum... sorang anak dekat pat lima ratus. nak ngadu wakil rakyat? Deme pun anak ramai, gaji kecik macam kite jugak. Sian deme, jangan le mintak ngan deme. Kalu terpaksa ngadu le kat Pejabat Kebajikan Masyarakat, Baitulmal atau orang kaye yang selama hari ni banyak dapat projek kerajaan.
Harapan teman pehak sekolah jangan le terlalu beban kan bebudak sekolah. Hari2 mintak duit. Kalu tak bayar cikgu marah, malu pada kekawan. Lastnye deme lepak kat tempat lain, kabo mak ayah nak kesekolah tapi nyorok kat rumah kosong . Dapat cekup cikgu disiplin, tentu mak bapak jugak yang pening. Cikgu2 jangan ingat semua mak bapak kat malaysia ni kaye, dapat bonus macam cikgu. Harga getah buku? RM1.00 , tu pun kalu tak dikutip "doktor swasta" kat merata kampung sekarang ni. Kelapa sawit? Berapa ringgit setan? Tak banyak cikgu oi...nak beli tiub besikal pun tak lepas...
Duit poket pulak? Entah le...sian budak sekolah kat malaysia ni. Dari pagi sampai petang kat sekolah, takkan nak bagi singgit je? Singgit kali lima? (kalu anak lima orang le), sebulan berapa? Tambang bas? Nak suruh bebudak tu jalan kaki? Oh ye cikgu2...kalu lalu depan budak sekolah tengah panas tu, tolong le tumpangkan sorang dua...kete beso tak elok naik sorang sorang, nanti banyak le alien yang tumpang. Dapat le jugak pahala nak nampung kelas kelas yang cikgu termasuk lambat terkeluo awal tu....
Ok le, ngantuk le pulak. las ni...bapak2 berehenti le merokok, jimat duit dan selamat dari benda haram. Mak2 plak kurangkan le beli perabut utang ke, gelang rantai utang ke.... sian anak2 kite, kalu le deme dapat mak bapak lain ... tentu deme lebih berjaya dalam hidup, lebih beradab sopan dan lebih baik dari ape yang kita nampak hari ni....jangan marah kekawan, tugas seorang muslim tolong mengingat dan menasihat. Selamat berbelanja utk tahun baru!
Kat sini wajib ade gulai tempoyak ikan sungai, gulai pisang, pencop masa kenduri. Ok le tu, tuhan tak marah. Tp yang hampehnye KARAOKE pun wajib gak. Kalu tak dapat live band, artis artis pencen sentiasa stanby nak hiborkan tetamu yang berjembek jembek tu. Sape ingat Ustaz Akil kate ape? "Dijemput bape pengantin pompuan untuk nyampaikan sebuah lagu..." make pak cik tu pun terketor ketor le mencari "mane mekropon nye?" Next... akan berkumandanglah "...aha hah hai ketawa lah lagi.." tak pun yang ni "...kau kekasih awal dan akhir...". tu belom campur klon daud kilau, jepridin, sm silam... tak terkecuali Mawi, Awi dsb. Anak teman tu jenih yang tak tahan gelak, tergulin gulin die nahan geli ati nengok opah sorang tu duet ngan mat muda lagu uji ngan hail amir, opah tu dah tahap bergerak paka kerusi roda je... ape la nak jadi.
Satu lagi teman rase wajib le tegur...baju pengantin 16 pasang, pelamin lapan tingkat, bedak gincu 4 - 5 inci (dari come lote jadi rope antu niyang rapik), banyak nye duit deme ye....agak kome mughah ke? Kalu yang gaji besor ok le kut, yang tak bghape kaye, jumpe le sedare kat bank rakyat, utang sampe anak sulung darjah tige kaghang abih le utang kawin tu.
Solek? Itu mesti...pengantin nampak pucat beno... sape nak tolong solek? Sape lagi kalu bukan tut..tut..tut andam. teman tak tau nak cakap mak andam ke, abang andam ke sebab kebanyakkan nye tak dapat teman kenalpasti jantina tukang andam tu. jantan bukan ...tine pun
bukan. Konpius betul...
Dulu keme kawin seribu dua tu dah cukup. tapi le ni, jande pun maha...boleh buat down payment kapa tobang. Hantaran jangan citer le, tokeh balak pun tumbang. tambah lagi gotong royong dah dikira kuno le. Lekeh beno le kalu takde makan stail buffet, tak de beg kecik isi cekelat utk tetamu... pehhhhh koman koman .
Ni kenduri yang baik plak....bersambung.
Satu lagi teman rase wajib le tegur...baju pengantin 16 pasang, pelamin lapan tingkat, bedak gincu 4 - 5 inci (dari come lote jadi rope antu niyang rapik), banyak nye duit deme ye....agak kome mughah ke? Kalu yang gaji besor ok le kut, yang tak bghape kaye, jumpe le sedare kat bank rakyat, utang sampe anak sulung darjah tige kaghang abih le utang kawin tu.
Solek? Itu mesti...pengantin nampak pucat beno... sape nak tolong solek? Sape lagi kalu bukan tut..tut..tut andam. teman tak tau nak cakap mak andam ke, abang andam ke sebab kebanyakkan nye tak dapat teman kenalpasti jantina tukang andam tu. jantan bukan ...tine pun
bukan. Konpius betul...
Dulu keme kawin seribu dua tu dah cukup. tapi le ni, jande pun maha...boleh buat down payment kapa tobang. Hantaran jangan citer le, tokeh balak pun tumbang. tambah lagi gotong royong dah dikira kuno le. Lekeh beno le kalu takde makan stail buffet, tak de beg kecik isi cekelat utk tetamu... pehhhhh koman koman .
Ni kenduri yang baik plak....bersambung.
Nape tak ke Mekah lagi ? Belum ade seru lagi, nantile bila ada seru, anak kecil, rumah tak siap lagi dan macam-macam lagi alasan yang tak Islamik yang kita dengo dari kekawan kite yang lebih dari mampu untuk menunaikan rukun islam yang ke lime tu. Kan ke "seruan" tu dah ujud lebih dari 1400 tahun yang lalu. Tak caye, tanye ustaz. Kalau nak dengo seru dari Mekah tu, memang le sampai toben tak akan dengo. Ada ustaz teman cakap, kalau kita dah mampu dan memenuhi syarat-syarat, dalam masa 2 tahun kalau tak berusaha nak ke sana, boleh mati kapio! Semalam teman bersembang denganorang tue di Bote. Katenye ada seorang tue yang meninggal dunia 2 bulan lepah.dan dalam Tabung Hajinye ade RM60,000. Mak oii banyaknye! Die meninggal dan tak sempat ke Mekah. Yang kenyang anak-anaknye due orang. Teman agak dia nak ngumpul sampai RM100,ooo kot. Nak ambik pekej TH yang termahal tu, RM99,000 sorang! Da kawan teman yang tolak gaji simpan RM1500 sebulan, sejak dari 15 tahun yang lalu, tapi tak juge ke Mekah. Ade yang nunggu nak pencen dulu ! Tunggu duit gratuiti atau KWSP. Ate, kome tentuke nak idup sampai 58 tahun! Kawan teman 33 tahun dah mengadap tuhan. Abang teman 52 dah meninggal.
Baru ni ramai dapat tunggakan gaji, DG32, DG44, DG48 dan berbaga-baga lagi. Itu tak kira duit sawit lagi ! Tengok member beli Wish baru RM150,00 (AGN XXX). Special Edition tu. Tanye sebulan berape ? RM600 je! Mak oii banyaknye duit down payment. Trade-in Waja tu berape sangat balance nye! Itu tak kire renovate rumah, renovate dapor, pegi Medan, Serawak, Sabah dan Vietnam tu ade duit! Cuti je, hilang, kemane, luor negeri. Kalu pompuan tu, baju kasut, beg semedang je ganti. Mahal weh ! Setakat daftar Haji tu RM1300 tu memang tak ade hal ! yang lelaki pulak, HP baru, PDA, LCD TV, Sports rim, Home theater di rumah dan dalam kete ! Itu tak kire duit rokok, DVD dan berbaga lagi.
Entahle kome. Nampaknye sampai toben kome tak dengo "Seru" dari Mekah tu kalau tak buat sesuatu. Pegi TH bawak RM1300 dan isi borang daftar. Dah lepah satu bab. Jangan tak daftar dan ISTIQAMAH untuk menjejakan kaki ke Mekah!
Labaikallah hummalabbaik.......
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Dari Bota ke Masjidil Haram Bhg 4
Kita juga amat bertuah kerana makanan disediakan setiap hari. Setiap waktu makan tengahari dan malam, kita akan diberikan makanan yang panas dan cukup untuk setiap orang. Namun manusia yang berasal dari Malaysia ini ada yang tidak mensyukuri nikmat yang diberikan. Di dewan makan selalunya kedengaran rungutan dan keluhan mereka. “Ayam lagi?” “Mak ooi, banyaknya minyak” “Tak selera aku menengok makanan itu” Memang tidak dinafikan bahawa makanan yang disediakan tidak memenuhi selera kita tetapi janganlah mengeluh. Bersyukurlah dengan apa yang ada. Jika dibandingkan dengan jemaah dari negara lain, jemaah Malaysia dikira amat mewah. Mereka membayar lebih dari RM10,000 untuk pergi menunaikan haji. Hotel yang disediakan jauh. Tahun lepas ada perbalahan dari jemaah negara jiran kerana mereka ditempatkan 7-8 kilometer dari masjid. Setiap hari mereka akan menaiki bas sebelum waktu Subuh dan balik selepas waktu Isya’. Makanan memang tidak disediakan untuk mereka. Mereka akan memasak sebelum pergi dan makan setelah kembali. Selalunya mereka akan berjalan balik kerana kemudahan bas selalunya berakhir dan tambang teksi selalunya mahal. Jemaah Malaysia paling jauh pun 1.5 kilometer dari masjid.
Jika dilihat di dewan makan jemaah Malaysia selalunya menjamah sedikit sahaja makanan yang disediakan dan meninggalkan atau membuang dalam tong sampah. Jemaah harus tahu bahawa jika mereka tidak mahu makan, lebih baik tidak diambil makanan yang disediakan. Saya tahu dan pernah melihat bahawa makanan yang tidak disentuh atau diambil oleh jemaah Malaysia akan disedekahkan kepada jemaah-jemaah dari negara lain yang memerlukan. Di belakang Hotel Cordoba, Mekah berpuluh-puluh orang beratur untuk mendapatkan makanan yang tidak menyelerakan jemaah dari Malaysia ini. Pehak hotel tidak membuang makanan begitu sahaja. Jika kita tidak mahu makan makanan yang disediakan, banyak kedai-kedai yang menyediakan makanan yang lazat-lazat seperti Nasi Ayam, Nasi Mandi, Roti dan sebagainya. Untuk SR6, kita akan dapat separuh ayam dan nasi yang enak cukup untuk dua orang.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Never heard of it? It means a major cleaning throughout the house. The whole family work in hands to clean the house top spot, every corner and every inch of the house. Most of us live in terrace houses, linked and sharing walls with neighbours. Those with plenty of cash or with land would build a bungalow, a house or even a hut in RPT, village or in government's land.
Everyone needs a place to sleep, to seek shelter, to watch TV, to play chongkak and also to mate. When we look at our Malaysian home, we seem to forget the need of space. A room is 10 by ten. A livingroom of 15 by ten. A home with two bedrooms - one for mum and dad, and another for the girl, if any. The boys stay in the livingroom, where the TV, the sofa set, the computer, the mini aquarium, and some other small stuff are arranged cafefully to fit in. The sofa becomes a bed at night, the oher boys sleep on the comforters, or foldable mattress. They twist and turn trying to get cozy, the older boys watch late night shows, the girls sleep tight in the small room and they don't have enough space to put a study desk. Where do the kids study? Or do revision ? Or to complete homework? The so-called dining room is shared with the living room, where the table is filled with food cover, tins, toys, dad's ash tray and the is no space to put books to study. Can they study with the blarring TV on? Can they use the "taman's musolla" to do discussion with their friends ?
That is a scenario of a low cost house that costs about RM25,000 or more. That's what low income Malaysians afford to pay of monthly RM125.00 installment. Pity them.
But who started this small space houses? The British ? Maybe. These caucasions don't like big houses. They don't like to put many things in their home. The have winter, spring, fall and summer. Winter, they stay inside, with the heater on, spring they clean up their homes,and summer,they go out travelling to other colder countries, like Malaysia. Malaysians, we stay at home most of the time. They can't afford to travel to foreign countries to beat the heat. They stay in the livingroom watching sitcoms or local dramas. I think we initially started to build home like theirs, in the early era, during colonization. Then, it went on and on, till now.
In college or university the room is small to fit four students because that is our normality. What do we get, kids who don't excell in their studies, their minds are narrowed and they can't think rationally... maybe because of the small space that they are surrounded with. Don't we have enough land in this country?
General Facts
Cigarette smoking is the most widespread example of drug dependence in the United States and in all the Islamic countries as well. Medical investigations show that cigarette smoking is a major factor in the development of many cases of cancer, heart trouble, chronic lung and respiratory disease and other ailments. Smoking causes more illness and death than all other drugs. Cigarette smoking in pregnant women results in deleterious health effects on their newborn children. These findings and the revelations in the Holy Qur'an clearly prohibit smoking of tobacco by Muslims. Hence smoking is unlawful in Islam.
It is very well known that cigarette smoking is the most widespread example of drug dependence. An authoritative British report stated that tobacco smoking is a form of drug dependence different from but no less strong than that of other addictive drugs—the most stable and well-adjusted person will, if he smokes at all, almost inevitably become dependent on the habit.
Like many other drugs, the chemicals in cigarette affect the chemistry of the brain and nervous system and create dependence and lead to compulsive use.
More than 56 million Americans and multiple scores of millions more in other nations, including Islamic nations are hooked on cigarettes in the same way as caffeine addicts are hooked on caffeine. A major reason why sales continue at high levels despite widespread public knowledge about the health hazards is the addictive nature of cigarettes.
Most people start smoking just to conform to peer or social pressures. They get a feeling of "grown up." They find smoking (nicotine) at first acts as a stimulant. Later they find they need to smoke as a tranquilizer. These smokers develop a level of tolerance and bodily adjustment to nicotine. If this level of nicotine is not maintained in their blood, they will experience uncomfortable physical-psychological dependence problems.
Cigarette smoking is clearly identified as the main preventable cause of death (340,000 deaths per year in U.S.A.). In our society it is a major factor in the development of many cases of cancer, heart trouble, chronic lung and respiratory diseases and other ailments. Smoking causes more illnesses and death than all the other drugs."
Smoking and Islam
In Islam cleanliness and hygiene are emphasized to the extent that it has been considered a part of Iman (faith). It is very well known that a smoker's mouth is unclean and foul smelling "like a cigarette ash-tray." In the Quran, God says:
"And forbid them what is bad." - Surah Al-'Araf, 7:157
"0 ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling are an abomination of Satan's handiwork. Eschew such abominations that ye may prosper." - Surah Al Ma'idah, 5:93
The word intoxicant has three meanings (6):
(1) To induce, especially the effect of ingested alcohol.
(2) To stimulate or excite.
(3) To poison.
The latter two meanings are very valid and applicable to nicotine.
Smoking is nothing but a form of slow suicide. The Qur'an says:
"And slay not the life which God hath forbidden..." - Surah, Al-Isra, 17:33
"And make not your own hands contribute to your destruction." - Surah, Al-Baqara, 2:195
"Nor kill or destroy yourselves for verily God hath been to you most Merciful." Surah, An-Nisa, 4:29
Prophet Mohammed has said:
"Nor be hurt or injure others." It is scientifically proven that the exhaled smoke of the smoker is hazardous to non-smokers around him.
God says:
"But squander not your wealth in the manner of a spend thrift, verily spendthrifts are brothers of evils." - Surah, Al-Isra, 17:26, 27
The body is polluted by smoking. Hence smokers cannot pray until they have cleansed themselves. According to the Qur'an:
"0 ye who believe! Draw not near unto prayer when you are drunken, till ye know that which ye utter, nor when you are polluted save when journeying upon the road, till you have bathed." - Surah, An-Nisa, 4:43
Hence the physical body should not be polluted or injured or destroyed in any way by smoking or taking of alcohol or any type of habit-forming drugs.
For the foregoing reasons and for reasons considered elsewhere, smoking is Haram or unlawful in Islam, hence smoking should be discouraged and finally banned in all Islamic countries. All smoking Muslims should give up this unhealthy and un-Islamic activity. The best way to give it up is to stop all smoking completely. Tapering off on the amount one smokes does not work for most people. It is not easy to quit suddenly, but it is presently the most successful way. There are many ways and techniques available for a serious minded person to give up smoking. For the Muslims who sincerely practice Islam and who submit themselves to the Will of God, this should not be a difficult task.
Cigarette smoking is the most widespread example of drug dependence in the United States and in all the Islamic countries as well. Medical investigations show that cigarette smoking is a major factor in the development of many cases of cancer, heart trouble, chronic lung and respiratory disease and other ailments. Smoking causes more illness and death than all other drugs. Cigarette smoking in pregnant women results in deleterious health effects on their newborn children. These findings and the revelations in the Holy Qur'an clearly prohibit smoking of tobacco by Muslims. Hence smoking is unlawful in Islam.
It is very well known that cigarette smoking is the most widespread example of drug dependence. An authoritative British report stated that tobacco smoking is a form of drug dependence different from but no less strong than that of other addictive drugs—the most stable and well-adjusted person will, if he smokes at all, almost inevitably become dependent on the habit.
Like many other drugs, the chemicals in cigarette affect the chemistry of the brain and nervous system and create dependence and lead to compulsive use.
More than 56 million Americans and multiple scores of millions more in other nations, including Islamic nations are hooked on cigarettes in the same way as caffeine addicts are hooked on caffeine. A major reason why sales continue at high levels despite widespread public knowledge about the health hazards is the addictive nature of cigarettes.
Most people start smoking just to conform to peer or social pressures. They get a feeling of "grown up." They find smoking (nicotine) at first acts as a stimulant. Later they find they need to smoke as a tranquilizer. These smokers develop a level of tolerance and bodily adjustment to nicotine. If this level of nicotine is not maintained in their blood, they will experience uncomfortable physical-psychological dependence problems.
Cigarette smoking is clearly identified as the main preventable cause of death (340,000 deaths per year in U.S.A.). In our society it is a major factor in the development of many cases of cancer, heart trouble, chronic lung and respiratory diseases and other ailments. Smoking causes more illnesses and death than all the other drugs."
Smoking and Islam
In Islam cleanliness and hygiene are emphasized to the extent that it has been considered a part of Iman (faith). It is very well known that a smoker's mouth is unclean and foul smelling "like a cigarette ash-tray." In the Quran, God says:
"And forbid them what is bad." - Surah Al-'Araf, 7:157
"0 ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling are an abomination of Satan's handiwork. Eschew such abominations that ye may prosper." - Surah Al Ma'idah, 5:93
The word intoxicant has three meanings (6):
(1) To induce, especially the effect of ingested alcohol.
(2) To stimulate or excite.
(3) To poison.
The latter two meanings are very valid and applicable to nicotine.
Smoking is nothing but a form of slow suicide. The Qur'an says:
"And slay not the life which God hath forbidden..." - Surah, Al-Isra, 17:33
"And make not your own hands contribute to your destruction." - Surah, Al-Baqara, 2:195
"Nor kill or destroy yourselves for verily God hath been to you most Merciful." Surah, An-Nisa, 4:29
Prophet Mohammed has said:
"Nor be hurt or injure others." It is scientifically proven that the exhaled smoke of the smoker is hazardous to non-smokers around him.
God says:
"But squander not your wealth in the manner of a spend thrift, verily spendthrifts are brothers of evils." - Surah, Al-Isra, 17:26, 27
The body is polluted by smoking. Hence smokers cannot pray until they have cleansed themselves. According to the Qur'an:
"0 ye who believe! Draw not near unto prayer when you are drunken, till ye know that which ye utter, nor when you are polluted save when journeying upon the road, till you have bathed." - Surah, An-Nisa, 4:43
Hence the physical body should not be polluted or injured or destroyed in any way by smoking or taking of alcohol or any type of habit-forming drugs.
For the foregoing reasons and for reasons considered elsewhere, smoking is Haram or unlawful in Islam, hence smoking should be discouraged and finally banned in all Islamic countries. All smoking Muslims should give up this unhealthy and un-Islamic activity. The best way to give it up is to stop all smoking completely. Tapering off on the amount one smokes does not work for most people. It is not easy to quit suddenly, but it is presently the most successful way. There are many ways and techniques available for a serious minded person to give up smoking. For the Muslims who sincerely practice Islam and who submit themselves to the Will of God, this should not be a difficult task.
PS As an impulsive smoker once, I regretted all my wrongdoings, hence the smoking leads to all un-islamic activities. Just stop, once and for all..... ( I started in 1986 and quit in 1999, for good ! Alhamdulillah)
Agar wajah selalu segar, berseri-seri dan cantik, cucilah minimal 5 kali sehari dengan air wudhu. Jangan langsung dikeringkan, biarkan menetes dan kering sendiri.. Lalu ambillah sajadah, shalat, berdzikir, dan berdo'a.
Untuk menghilangkan stress, Cukup dengan memperbanyakkan solat. Ketika solat, kita mengerakkan seluruh tubuh. Lalu berkonsultasilah pada Allah SWT dengan dzikir dan do'a.
Untuk pelembab, agar awet muda, gunakanlah senyuman. Tidak hanya di bibir tapi juga di hati. Jangan lupa bisikkan 'kata kunci', "Allahuma Kamma Hassanta Khalqii Fahassin Khuluqii" (Ya Allah sebagaimana engkau telah memperindah kejadianku, maka perindah pula ahlaqku). (HR Ahmad).- DOA TENGOK CERMIN
Untuk punya bibir cantik, bisikkan kalimat-kalimat Allah, tidak berbohong atau menyakiti hati orang lain, tidak menyombongkan diri atau takabur.
Agar tubuh langsing, mulus, diet yang teratur dengan berpuasa seminggu 2 kali, Isnin dan Khamis. Jika kuat, lebih bagus lagi puasa Nabi Daud AS i.e. selang satu hari. Makanlah makanan halal, perbanyak sayuran, buah-buahan, dan air putih.
Untuk mengembangkan diri, sebarkan salam dan sapaan. Dengan demikian kita akan banyak dikenal dan disayangi.
Inilah dia rahsia as-solat, sebagai peringatan bagi yang dah tahu atau panduan bagi yang baru tahu.......
1 - Niat Sembahyang : Sebenarnya memeliharakan taubat kita dari dunia dan akhirat.
2 - Berdiri Betul : Fadilatnya, ketika mati dapat meluaskan tempat kita di dalam kubur. 3 - Takbir-ratul Ihram : Fadilatnya, sebagai pelita yang menerangi kita di dalam kubur.
4 - Fatihah : Sebagai pakaian yang indah-indah di dalam kubur.
5 - Ruqu' : Sebagai tikar kita di dalam kubur.
6 - I'tidal : Akan memberi minuman air dari telaga al-kautsar ketika didalam kubur.
7 - Sujud : Memagar kita ketika menyeberangi titian SIRATUL-MUSTAQIM.
8 - Duduk antara 2 Sujud : Akan menaung panji-panji nabi kita didalam kubur
9 - Duduk antara 2 Sujud (akhir) : Menjadi kenderaan ketika kita dipadang Mahsyar.
1 0 - Tahhiyat Akhir : Sebagai penjawab bagi soalan yang dikemukakan oleh Munkar & Nankir di dalam kubur.
11 - Selawat Nabi : Sebagai pendinding api neraka di dalam kubur.
12 - Salam : Memelihara kita di dalam kubur.
13 - Tertib : Akan pertemuan kita dengan Allah S. W. T. Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr R. A.,
Rasulullah S. A.W. bersabda : "Senarai di atas adalah salah satu sebab mengapa orang Yahudi /Kafir tidak sukakan angka 13 dan juga Hari Jumaat.
Itulah sebab mengapa mereka mencipta cerita yang begitu seram sekali iaitu " FRIDAY the 13th " jika ada di kalangan kamu yang perasan!!!"
"Sampaikanlah pesanku biarpun satu ayat..." Sebaik-baik manusia itu adalah mereka yang memberi manafa'at kepada manusia lain...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

We eat a lot. We waste a lot of food. We throw uncooked raw food. We buy unnecessary canned food and throw them later when expired. We eat a little and throw the rest. We go to self-service, buffet stlye dinner, we put a lot of food in our plate because everything looks delicious. You start eating and then.... you can't finish it. Then ...... into the garbage can, or plastic. THINK...
We are lucky to have plenty of masjids throughout the country. When I was small the masjid was very important to be the center of congregation of Moslems meeting and performing good deeds. Those years were gone. The masjids in my village are now collecting dust; except on Fridays. The government is generous, very kind to replace the old ones with new sophisticated, well-designed, so-called "user friendly" and the lists go on. The village masjids are sprawling throughout Perak. BUT, lets go there during the FIVE PRAYERS. Only a few people, maybe five or six senior citizens perform prayers. Let me illustrate, a grand masjid, sprawing and grandeour, near the district administration building was built and completed to cater the people around the area. When I went inside, only one fifth of a ROW occupied the masjid to perform a prayer. User friendly? When it rains, you get wet...from the wudhu area. 25 km from it a masjid is locked from outsiders to perform solat. The masjid officers said, to prevent theft. Another one is being built 30 km away. These are examples of village masjids that are extremely UNDER UTILISED. Lets go to a town masjid near a former royal town. A recent Jumaat prayer shows me how DESPERATE the place needs a NEW MASJID. People prayed on the grass field. They brought sejadahs with them. FUNNY thing, the areas is NOT Moslem densely populated. An experience praying Jumaat at a masjid near the state hospital adds to my battlecry. I actually prayed on the drain covers near the fence, in a hot sun. A masjid in the largest Malay community in the world desperately needs enlargement. You go inside or check out the bulletin boards. Many activities are carried out in the TOWN MASJIDS. You go to a VILLAGE MASJID, you will be surprised how EMPTY it is at nights, FREE from activities. Any ustaz will be dishearted to see only 3 or 4 people to his ceramahs. Surely, he will not come back. If he goes to a TOWN MASJID, people flock to listen to his ceramahs. These people drive BMW's, Mercedez's, CAMRY's of course and in Perdanas. But how about the old people who were raised by their fathers and fore-fathers to love Islam in the village? BUSY ?.........Those who are involved, don't listen to people who rarely go to masjids to erect new masjids. Go around in the cities. Compare... GET REAL.....
Friday, December 12, 2008
Scholarships O Scholarships
When we talk about this matter, people always believe that certain races or dominant ones are the deserving party. By the way, do we have scholarship nowadays ? Yes we do. Not everyone knows that scholarships do exists. I remember that during my secondary years, I receieved RM76 in Form One, increased RM10 per year till Form Five. That was state scholarship. The federal one was RM180 annually. Sadly my rich friends got the federal ones. They never lined up into the mobile Bank Bumiputera to get their money. They were rich ! How about now. The federal one is RM840. That is RM70 per month. Students fill in forms and their teacher sends them electronically and walla...... They receive the money. Easy huh? What I don't like is the people who get the money. Do they really deserve it ? I happen to get to see some saving account books of the scholarship receivers. Many do not withdraw their money! Their parents have money for their children. When the children get out from school after form 5, they have about RM4000 ! Imagine what they can buy with that amount. I remember some of my neighbours who do not get "free money" because they do not belong to the right races! I believe they do deserve the so-called "free money". They need to pay the bus fares, PTA's fees and numerous fees to be paid to smoothen their studies. Their parents can pay for other necessaties. The students who don't use their scholarships don't need them. They go to school on bikes or motorbikes that their dad bought for them. They have everthing, yet they get the scholarship!
Dari Bota Ke Masjidil Haram Part 3
Di Mekah kita digalakan bersolat di Masjidilharam tetapi kita hendaklah perlu keluar awal kerana orang teramatlah ramai. Jika kita lambat, kita akan bersolat di atas jalanraya sahaja. Eloklah sentiasa membawa sejadah untuk di bawa ke mana-mana. Perlu diingatkan lagi bahawa di tanah suci orang akan menyelit di antara manusia-manusia untuk bersembahyang. Selalulah bersedia untuk memberi ruang untuk saudara-saudara seagama untuk bersama-sama bersolat. InsyaAllah, kita akan diberi ruang yang lebih nanti. Orang yang tidak dikenali akan menyelit-nyelit di antara kita. Orang lain tahu bahawa orang Asia terutama dari Malaysia amat baik dan pemurah. Kerana itulah mereka akan mencari ruang untuk bersolat di sebelah orang Malaysia.
Rakyat Malaysia juga terkenal kerana kemurahan untuk bersedekah. Ramai peminta sedekah yang datang ke tanah suci Mekah terutama dimusim haji. Saya pernah mengikori seorang perempuan yang menjadi ketua kumpulan kecil yang membawa dua pelastik yang berisi wang. Dia kemudianya menyerahkan plastik tersebut kepada seorang di sebuah farmasi. Mungkin dia menyimpan duit mereka ataupun sebaliknya. Apa pun niat kita untuk bersedekah haruslah tetap. Jangan menyimpan perasaan buruk sangka. Untuk mengelakan perasaan buruk sangka, kita boleh bersedekah kepada pencuci-pencuci Masjidil Haram dan petugas-petugas yang bertungkuslumus menyediakan kemudahan yang disediakan untuk pengunjung Masjidil Haram. Mereka sebenarnya tidak dibayar gaji yang banyak sebagaimana kita sangkakan. Pernah saya tanya mereka yang kebanyakannya berasal dari Pakistan, Bangladesh dan lain-lain bahawa mereka menerima kira-kira SR600-800 sebulan. Jika kita memberi wang kepada mereka, mereka akan menerimanya dengan senyuman yang menjela. Pekerja-pekerja hotel yang bertugas di tempat penginapan kita adalah berasal dari negara-negara Afrika seperti Chad, Sudan dan sebagainya. Mereka menaiki kapal, bas dan berjalan kaki meredah lautan dan gurun Sahara untuk mencari sedikit wang. Kita boleh berjumpa mereka di surau hotel sewaktu waktu solat. Mereka rajin bersolat dan sangat pemurah dengan senyuman. Dari pakaian dan paras rupa, kita dapat mengenali mereka ini. Saya merasakan mereka ini lebih layak untuk menerima sedekah kita. Pertemuan saya dengan Jamal, 20 tahun yang menceritakan bagaimana susahnya menjadi seorang Muslim di negaranya. Para alim ulama dibunuh dan disiksa. Ada yang kemaluannya dipotong dan disiksa sehingga mati. Beliau yang boleh berbahasa Inggeris menceritakan kesusuahannya untuk mencari wang di negaranya. Selepas musim haji dia akan kembali ke negaranya untuk membantu keluarganya.
Rakyat Malaysia juga terkenal kerana kemurahan untuk bersedekah. Ramai peminta sedekah yang datang ke tanah suci Mekah terutama dimusim haji. Saya pernah mengikori seorang perempuan yang menjadi ketua kumpulan kecil yang membawa dua pelastik yang berisi wang. Dia kemudianya menyerahkan plastik tersebut kepada seorang di sebuah farmasi. Mungkin dia menyimpan duit mereka ataupun sebaliknya. Apa pun niat kita untuk bersedekah haruslah tetap. Jangan menyimpan perasaan buruk sangka. Untuk mengelakan perasaan buruk sangka, kita boleh bersedekah kepada pencuci-pencuci Masjidil Haram dan petugas-petugas yang bertungkuslumus menyediakan kemudahan yang disediakan untuk pengunjung Masjidil Haram. Mereka sebenarnya tidak dibayar gaji yang banyak sebagaimana kita sangkakan. Pernah saya tanya mereka yang kebanyakannya berasal dari Pakistan, Bangladesh dan lain-lain bahawa mereka menerima kira-kira SR600-800 sebulan. Jika kita memberi wang kepada mereka, mereka akan menerimanya dengan senyuman yang menjela. Pekerja-pekerja hotel yang bertugas di tempat penginapan kita adalah berasal dari negara-negara Afrika seperti Chad, Sudan dan sebagainya. Mereka menaiki kapal, bas dan berjalan kaki meredah lautan dan gurun Sahara untuk mencari sedikit wang. Kita boleh berjumpa mereka di surau hotel sewaktu waktu solat. Mereka rajin bersolat dan sangat pemurah dengan senyuman. Dari pakaian dan paras rupa, kita dapat mengenali mereka ini. Saya merasakan mereka ini lebih layak untuk menerima sedekah kita. Pertemuan saya dengan Jamal, 20 tahun yang menceritakan bagaimana susahnya menjadi seorang Muslim di negaranya. Para alim ulama dibunuh dan disiksa. Ada yang kemaluannya dipotong dan disiksa sehingga mati. Beliau yang boleh berbahasa Inggeris menceritakan kesusuahannya untuk mencari wang di negaranya. Selepas musim haji dia akan kembali ke negaranya untuk membantu keluarganya.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
First and foremost, I recieved an e-mail stating that we should not use MOSQUE as it means "mosquito". How true, I am not sure. But what i want to share with you is fairly important to be thought. We are blessed to live in a Muslim country that the government is so concerned to build a lot of masjids for the Muslims to perform their daily prayers and to do other relevant activities. Sadly to say I have to say this. Sometimes the building of new masjids is fairly wrong. Why do I blatantly say this? There is a masjid in my village that was built a long time ago. I still remember that I could see the pillars and the wall planks had traces of chisel on them. It shows that the carpenters used traditional ways to prepare them. The windows had special wooden mechanical stuff to make them swing. It shows how difficult it was to build the masjid. Then look at the minaret, the "mimbar" and many other things. Suddenly some people decided to change the wall with cement, tiles, dark mirrors and windows. They tore down the wall and pillars. Our children will not be able to see the "old" masjid. I pity those people who sweated tears and blood to erect the masjid. They dragged timbers from the jungle and trimmed them into planks and pillars. How about this, the "pool" (or kolah) is replaced with plastic or metal water taps. It is hard to find any traditional old masjid nowadays. There is one behind Masjid Selat, Bota but the condition is very delapidated. How I wish people would maintain the original look, condition and I am sure the next generation will appreciate it.... Is it really necessary to change everthing. Just maintain, and improve the lackings.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Dari Bota ke Masjidil Haram 2
Bakal-bakal haji perlu mempunyai bekalan yang cukup untuk berada di tanah suci lebih dari 40 hari. Bukan sekadar wang ringgit tetapi ilmu pengetahuan untuk menegerjakan haji amat penting untuk mereka. Berbagai masalah yang timbul yang dihadapi oleh bakal-bakal haji nanti dan inilah ujian yang mereka harus hadapi dengan tenang. Kesabaran adalah kunci dalam mengerjakan haji dan untuk mendapatkan haji mabrur. Mereka akan berhadapan dengan kerenah-kerenah dan berbagai dugaan yang semestinya memerlukan tahap kesabaran yang tinggi.
Dari Kelana Jaya, bakal-bakal haji akan dihantar ke KLIA dengan menaiki bas-bas. Terasa seperti VIP kerana kita akan diiringi oleh peronda-peronda yang akan mengawasi dan memastikan bas tidak berhenti sehingga ke KLIA. Perasaan hiba dan gembira kerana dilayan lagak seperti raja atau menteri. Bakal-bakal haji akan terus menaiki pesawat untuk penerbangan selama beberapa jam. Setibanya di Jeddah, kita akan disambut oleh petugas-petugas Tabung Haji. Kita akan menunggu sehingga bas sampai. Perlu diingat, bakal haji hendaklah sentiasa mematuhi arahan yang diberikan. Tanda nama (nametag) hendaklan sentiasa dipakai. Tandanama ini amat perting ketika berda di tanah suci. Selain dari untuk mengeluarkan wang di sana, ianya adalah seperti passport atau kad pengenalan yang perlu dibawa ke mana sahaja. Saya ingat ketika di Mina dimana seorang makcik yang tersesat tidak memakai namtag ini. Di Mina semua khemah dan bilik air berbentuk serupa. Jika tidak tahu nombor, memang mudah tersesat. Makcik ini keluar untuk buang air dan tidak memakai nametag dan beliau sesat untuk beberapa jam kerana dia tidak tahu nombor khemah dan tidak ingat nombornya. Dengan nametag ini nombor khemah, nombor blok dan nama hotel ada dilekatkan.
Dari Kelana Jaya, bakal-bakal haji akan dihantar ke KLIA dengan menaiki bas-bas. Terasa seperti VIP kerana kita akan diiringi oleh peronda-peronda yang akan mengawasi dan memastikan bas tidak berhenti sehingga ke KLIA. Perasaan hiba dan gembira kerana dilayan lagak seperti raja atau menteri. Bakal-bakal haji akan terus menaiki pesawat untuk penerbangan selama beberapa jam. Setibanya di Jeddah, kita akan disambut oleh petugas-petugas Tabung Haji. Kita akan menunggu sehingga bas sampai. Perlu diingat, bakal haji hendaklah sentiasa mematuhi arahan yang diberikan. Tanda nama (nametag) hendaklan sentiasa dipakai. Tandanama ini amat perting ketika berda di tanah suci. Selain dari untuk mengeluarkan wang di sana, ianya adalah seperti passport atau kad pengenalan yang perlu dibawa ke mana sahaja. Saya ingat ketika di Mina dimana seorang makcik yang tersesat tidak memakai namtag ini. Di Mina semua khemah dan bilik air berbentuk serupa. Jika tidak tahu nombor, memang mudah tersesat. Makcik ini keluar untuk buang air dan tidak memakai nametag dan beliau sesat untuk beberapa jam kerana dia tidak tahu nombor khemah dan tidak ingat nombornya. Dengan nametag ini nombor khemah, nombor blok dan nama hotel ada dilekatkan.
1. To make someone (YOUR Husband, your children) think of you all the time : * Read the Al-Fatihah 14 times before going to sleep.
2. For terminal diseases: * Read the Al-Fatihah 41 times and blow it in the water. Drink and take a bath with that water.
3. For the mentally ill: * Read the Al-Fatihah 7 times while rubbing the person's head once in the morning and once at night, everyday without fail.
4. When in extreme pain: * Read the Al-Fatihah 3 times and blow it in a glass of water and drink it. Then, read the Al-Fatihah while rubbing the area that is in pain.
5. For babies who cry at night or at any time: * Read the Al-Fatihah 7 times while rubbing the baby's head.
6. For injury : ex: Cut, Bee sting, Bleeding, Finger got slammed by the door) * Read the Al-Fatihah 3 or 7 times, using your thumb, take your saliva from the "langit-langit" of your mouth and rub it onto the injured area.
All of the above INSYAALLAH will work with several conditions:
* Believe that the Al-Fatihah is the best "penawar" for everything
* Read it with full "khusyuk"
* Tawakal to Allah
* Use it with GOOD "niat" /intentions.
2. For terminal diseases: * Read the Al-Fatihah 41 times and blow it in the water. Drink and take a bath with that water.
3. For the mentally ill: * Read the Al-Fatihah 7 times while rubbing the person's head once in the morning and once at night, everyday without fail.
4. When in extreme pain: * Read the Al-Fatihah 3 times and blow it in a glass of water and drink it. Then, read the Al-Fatihah while rubbing the area that is in pain.
5. For babies who cry at night or at any time: * Read the Al-Fatihah 7 times while rubbing the baby's head.
6. For injury : ex: Cut, Bee sting, Bleeding, Finger got slammed by the door) * Read the Al-Fatihah 3 or 7 times, using your thumb, take your saliva from the "langit-langit" of your mouth and rub it onto the injured area.
All of the above INSYAALLAH will work with several conditions:
* Believe that the Al-Fatihah is the best "penawar" for everything
* Read it with full "khusyuk"
* Tawakal to Allah
* Use it with GOOD "niat" /intentions.
Cameron Highlands
One of the finest places to cool down and unwind after working till wee hours. I managed to find my busy time to drive up with my family. The drive through virgin jungle and beautiful scenary was paid off when we felt the temperature was nicer and colder than in Bota. Surprisingly the noon was cold unlike 10 or 15 years ago. A visit to the Jabatan Hutan camping site started with lunch and cold deep water splashing "play" by the kids. The young ones loved the place. They just had their "manhood" after being circumsized by Dr Zakaria at Bandar Sidek. The officer told us that they have 2 houses for rent at RM60 and RM80 per day. Each can fit in 30 people. Bring your own blanket and comforter. Then we headed straight to the house (RM260)that we booked thru internet. It has 3 rooms, a kitchen, livingroom with TV and Astro, two toilets with hot shower. The parking lot is huge. The VIEW is magnificent from all around 360 degrees. Behind the house is planted with a lot of vegetable. A walk around TAMAN BAHAGIA completed the sorrounding tours. Tea, vege, flowers strawberries.... all around you. That night was darn cold... Could not sleep, too cold.... after paying RM29 for packed lauk.Normally at Bota it costs around RM10. The trip was wonderful. We visited many places. MARDI, Orang Asli settlement, Tea plantation, Pasar Malam, etc, We headed to Tapah using the old route. A stop at Lata Iskandar and Tapah completed our trip before heading home....
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Dari Bota ke Masjidil Haram Bhg.1
Umat Islam sudah mula berangkat ke Tanah Suci untuk mengerjakan ibadah Haji dan Umrah yang difardukan kepada semua umat Islam yang mampu untuk mengerjakannya. 26,000 rakyat Malaysia yang terpilih amat bertuah kerana dipilih oleh Allah untuk mengerjakan ibadat yang ke lima ini. Bukan semua orang mampu untuk ke sana. Setengah orang mampu dari segi kewangan tetapi masih mahu menafikan untuk pergi ke sana. Berbagai alasan diberikan seperti belum sampai seruan, anak masih kecil, hutang masih banyak dan sebagainya. Walau apapun alasan, setiap umat Islam wajib beriktikab untuk pergi mengerjakan ibadat haji. Membuka akaun Tabung Haji adalah langkah permulaan. Ketika saya ingin mengerjakan ibadah haji, berbagai halangan terpaksa ditempuhi. Tanah dan kereta saya jualkan untuk mencukupkan perbelanjaan. Ketika diberitahu bahawa nama kami ditarik balik untuk pergi ke Mekah kerana masalah teknikal, perasaan hati sungguh sedih dan pilu. Selepas beberapa hari menghantar rakan-rakan ke Mekah, kami bersyukur kerana Allah telah memilih kami untuk menjalani ibadah haji pada tahun lalu.........
Salam. I'm new in blogging. All this while, I just read others'. Never thought that I would be blogging from my home. Works in the offices are just never ending. The holidays would be a good time to start somethingn new. From my home, I hope I would be able to type endless things that trigger your mind to be dragging your finggers to leave / post a comment or two to twist my mind..... Happy blooging
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